Authenticity and integrity check for ABB zenon 12 build 206562 zip package Steps to follow: 1. Download ABB zenon 12 build 206562 zip package. 2. Open PowerShell(or Command Prompt) window. 3. Type command: "certutil -hashfile SHA512" and press enter. 4. A checksum will be generated as result. Verification process: 1. Compare the checksum generated against this SHA512 value: 70558f709b52b4e13c75547ebae1bac9b0257ebc390bc643b55496c3d7c6ac17ba90f0c7bb1e1e392f1abb22c7b3a5182f3690081b7d3202f25ab834cbc1be54 1.1. If both the checksum values are same, the file is secure to use. 1.2. If not, please redownload the file and perform the check again.